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Clean Beauty
CARE Derma Sensitive Mask
CARE Derma Sensitive Mask
50ml 200ml
CHF 10.60
CARE Satin Oil Mask
CARE Satin Oil Mask
200ml 500ml
CHF 35.90
CARE Vital Nutrition Mask
CARE Vital Nutrition Mask
200ml 500ml
CHF 35.90
CARE Color Brillianz Mask
CARE Color Brillianz Mask
200ml 500ml
CHF 35.90
CARE Keratin Smooth Mask
CARE Keratin Smooth Mask
200ml 500ml
CHF 35.90
CARE Confident Curl Mask
CARE Confident Curl Mask
50ml 200ml 500ml
CHF 35.90
CARE Curl Control Mask
CARE Curl Control Mask
CHF 35.90
CARE Blonde Savior Mask
CARE Blonde Savior Mask
50ml 200ml 500ml
CHF 9.80
So Pure Polish Mask
So Pure Polish Mask
CHF 38.90
So Pure Restore Mask
So Pure Restore Mask
CHF 38.90

The Ultimate Guide: Hair Mask or Conditioner - What Should You Use First?

In the realm of hair care, choosing between a hair mask and conditioner can be puzzling. Both offer benefits, but the question remains: which one should you use first? Let's delve into the world of hair masks and conditioners to uncover the best approach for your hair care routine.


Hair masks and conditioners are essential components of any hair care regimen. They provide nourishment, hydration, and protection, leaving your locks looking healthy and vibrant. However, the order in which you use them can significantly impact their effectiveness. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the benefits of both hair masks and conditioners and help you determine the optimal sequence for achieving luscious locks.

Hair Mask:

A hair mask is a deep conditioning treatment designed to penetrate the hair shaft and deliver intense hydration and nourishment. It's formulated with potent ingredients such as oils, proteins, and vitamins to repair damage, reduce frizz, and improve overall hair health. Using a hair mask before a conditioner allows the rich nutrients to penetrate deeply into the hair cuticle, maximizing their benefits.


On the other hand, conditioner is typically used after shampooing to restore moisture, detangle hair, and seal the cuticle. It acts as a protective barrier, locking in hydration and smoothing the hair's surface. While conditioner is essential for maintaining softness and manageability, applying it after a hair mask ensures that the nourishing ingredients are effectively sealed into the hair shaft.

Which Comes First?

The debate over whether to use a hair mask or conditioner first ultimately comes down to personal preference and hair type. For individuals with dry, damaged, or frizzy hair, starting with a hair mask can provide intensive hydration and repair. Conversely, those with fine or oily hair may benefit from using conditioner first to avoid weighing down the hair.


In conclusion, both hair masks and conditioners play vital roles in maintaining healthy, beautiful hair. Whether you choose to use a hair mask or conditioner first depends on your hair's specific needs and preferences. Experiment with different techniques to find the perfect balance for your hair care routine. Remember, consistency is key to achieving optimal results, so make sure to incorporate both products into your regimen regularly for best outcomes.

By understanding the benefits of each and experimenting with the order of application, you can customize your hair care routine to suit your unique needs and achieve the gorgeous locks you've always dreamed of.

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